Initiating the Conscious Wedding Journey Initiating the Conscious Wedding Journey Initiating the Conscious Wedding Journey Initiating the Conscious Wedding Journey Initiating the Conscious Wedding Journey Initiating the Conscious Wedding Journey Initiating the Conscious Wedding Journey

Initiating the Conscious Wedding Journey

Option: Early Bird Access (through Sept 22)

Rings are the bookends of the wedding journey  —  the ring symbolizes the intention to marry, and are exchanged in ceremony to mark that the marriage is complete. The rings hold the arc of the story, beginning to end, and live on as a reminder of these original intentions deep into the marriage.

In our interactive course, you are invited to join your beloved on a journey to choose a ring with love and meaning (one from your family, an antique shop, or one made bespoke for you by any jeweler), all while deepening your connection and building a foundation for navigating the exciting life transition of becoming a married couple.

In this course you will learn how to choose a ring that reflects your values and the unique beauty of your relationship, serving as as a guide for the rest of your wedding journey.

This course brings consciousness to the entire process  — from proposal to ceremony  — ensuring that you start your marriage fully aligned and joyously connected, not just going through unexamined traditions or expectations.

The truth is, most modern couples are rethinking coupling from the ground up  — they are selecting their partner with a different set of parameters and choosing which traditions they want to participate it. When it comes to engagement, modern couples are:

  • talking extensively about marriage before the proposal,
  • shopping for their engagement ring together
  • and creating wedding, celebrations & ceremony that reflect their unique values.

This course supports you in having a conscious proposal, engagement and wedding  — based your shared values as a couple. It is one thing to desire to do things differently, it is a whole other endeavor to actually do when our weddings and marriage traditions and systems exist in the old paradigms and put pressure on you to conform, economically and otherwise.

Together, we will lay out the groundwork to ensure that your vision comes to life — from ring to ceremony. It's a creative, artistic, heartfelt experiential journey designed to open you up, connect you deeper to yourself, your beloved, and ultimately to your shared community.

The course is designed for you and your sweetheart to take together in preparation for a proposal, engagement, and wedding. It is part self-guided, and part live workshop.

The 6 week experience is structured to give you opportunities and time to learn, connect, contemplate, and and take action, and includes bonding exercises for deepening intimacy, trust, and honesty.

Each Monday you will be sent:

  • a video module on the topic of the week
  • plus an audio version for those who prefer to just listen
  • an audio guided meditation and Heart Session activity to do together
  • journal prompts for integrating

Three Sunday mornings, we will meet live on a group Zoom call to:

  • go deeper on the topics of the module
  • discuss as a community
  • and share your experience with the Heart Sessions and get feedback.

By the end of the course, you will have covered and aligned on topics most couples completely bypass on their way to the alter, and you will be equipped to select or design the ring of your dreams to represent your conscious journey into marriage.

The course starts Monday, October 7th.

Week 1
Cultivating Connection — Exploring shared values

We start the course by doing activities that explicitly hone in on what matters to you most as individuals and as a couple, creating the north star of your creative journey. Transitioning into a married couple requires knowledge, respect, and dedication to these values, but few couples have the space or container to talk about their values in a way that support their relationship.

Week 2
The Ultimate Trifecta — Family, Money & High Expectations

We talk about what makes the wedding journey challenging for most people, and how to navigate expectations and cultural conditioning. We explicitly explore budgets, timelines, proposal methods — all topics we are traditionally told we should cloak in secrecy in order to maintain 'romance'. Instead we intentionally craft our dream experience together, including pockets for surprise and spontaneity.

Week 3
Modern Romance — Reclaiming Desire, Sensuality, and Symbolism

We reimagine and reclaim romance, and explore the energetics of giving/receiving, desire, connecting with our senses, and storytelling through our unique love language. It's a sweet, tender, hot space for couples to connect and expand their capacity for conscious awareness, joy, and pleasure.

Week 4
Integration & Heart Session Catch Up

This week we have a break from new content so that you can catch up, integrate, and prepare for the final weeks of the course.

Week 5
Ring Magic — Design & Work with a Jeweler to Craft your Dream Ring

Here we finally enter into the material realm of design, how to shop for a ring and collaborate with a jeweler, and other technical aspects of ring design. We rely on all the foundational work done in the previous modules and Heart Sessions to make this process full of ease and clarity. Each couple will have a chance to present their current inspiration to the group, and get jeweler feedback on how to implement.

Week 6
Dreaming the Dream — Setting Intentions for Vows, Ceremony & Celebration

Together, we will plan for placing the bookend at the end of the ring experience — the ceremony. Get a jumpstart on ideas for vow writing, explore weaving together traditional & alternative ceremony ideas, and envision the type of celebration you want to create to share your union with your community.

Sunday Live Workshop Call Dates

  • October 13th at 10am PST Welcome ceremony and Module One integration
  • October 27th at 10am PST Module Two and Three
  • November 17th at 10am PST Integrating module four and five, Closing ceremony

Couples should plan to invest 2-4 hours per week for 6 weeks:

  • Video modules are between 30-60 minutes each week
  • Heart Sessions with guided audio will take at least an hour, but will likely be the catalyst for conversations that naturally reemerge throughout
  • Our (3) live Sunday Workshops will be 60-90 minutes each

All live workshops will be recorded and sent as a resource afterwards, or for those who cannot make the live call time.

To take the course, check out with the Full Access E-Course, it includes the Sunday Live Workshops. You will receive an email to set up a a student account to access course materials, then each week sent a new module, meditation & Heart Session, and link to your live workshops.

Optionally, you can add on a private 1:1 session with Kate Ellen, to be used anytime during or after the course to get direct care and counsel on your unique story, ring, Heart Sessions, or ceremony.

Course starts October 7th

Sunday Live Workshops on October 13th, 27th & November 17th - recorded for those who cannot attend live

Conscious Coupling

The truth is, most modern couples are rethinking relationships from the ground up  — they are selecting their partner with a more consciousness set of parameters and choosing which traditions they want to participate in.

When it comes to engagement, modern couples are:

  • talking extensively about marriage before the proposal,
  • shopping for their engagement ring together,
  • and creating wedding, celebrations & ceremony that reflect their unique values.

This course supports you in having a conscious proposal, engagement and wedding  — based your shared values as a couple. Together, we will lay out the groundwork to ensure that your vision comes to life — from ring to ceremony.

The journey is yours

Skip the technical jargon

Focus on what really matters and remember yourself as a creative being

Pre-marital contemplations

Be held and witnessed as you reflect upon your shared values and dreams

Ceremony & ritual

Craft the moments that will become sacred memories

Professional jeweler feedback

Process your research, questions, and design with an expert goldsmith

Invest in a joy & ease

The course is designed for you and your sweetheart to take together in preparation for a proposal, engagement, and wedding. It's part self-guided, and part live workshop.

The 6 week experience is structured to give you opportunities and time to learn, connect, contemplate, and take action, including bonding exercises for deepening intimacy, trust, and honesty.

Each Monday you will be sent:

  • a video module on the topic of the week
  • plus an audio version for those who prefer to just listen
  • an audio guided meditation and Heart Session activity to do together
  • journal prompts for integrating

Three Sunday mornings, we will meet live on a group Zoom call to:

  • go deeper on the topics of the module
  • discuss as a community
  • and share your experience with the Heart Sessions and get feedback.

By the end of the course:

  • you will have contemplated and aligned on topics most couples completely bypass on their way to the alter
  • deepened your intimacy & learned new tools for connection, communication, trust & pleasure
  • created sharp-focused clarity of a shared vision so that you are free to make your decisions with confidence and ease
  • equipped yourselves to select or design the ring of your dreams to represent your conscious journey into marriage.

"You listened to our story, understood our needs, and transformed our ideas into a beautiful piece of art. The way you incorporated my mom's diamond is something I will cherish forever. It's not just a ring; it's a piece of my heart. Thank you for making this journey so memorable. Your kindness, patience, and creativity made the process enjoyable and stress-free. I am so grateful for your support and for helping us start this new chapter in our lives with such a meaningful and stunning symbol of our love."


Intimacy - week by week

The course starts Monday, October 7th

Week 1
Cultivating Connection — Exploring shared values

We start the course by doing activities that explicitly hone in on what matters to you most as individuals and as a couple, creating the north star of your creative journey. Transitioning into a married couple requires knowledge, respect, and dedication to these values, but few couples have the space or container to talk about their values in a way that support their relationship.

Week 2
The Ultimate Trifecta — Family, Money & High Expectations

We talk about what makes the wedding journey challenging for most people, and how to navigate expectations and cultural conditioning. We explicitly explore budgets, timelines, proposal methods — all topics we are traditionally told we should cloak in secrecy in order to maintain 'romance'. Instead we intentionally craft our dream experience together, including pockets for surprise and spontaneity.

Week 3
Modern Romance — Reclaiming Desire, Sensuality, and Symbolism

We reimagine and reclaim romance, and explore the energetics of giving/receiving, desire, connecting with our senses, and storytelling through our unique love language. It's a sweet, tender, hot space for couples to connect and expand their capacity for conscious awareness, joy, and pleasure.

Week 4
Integration & Heart Session Catch Up

This week we have a break from new content so that you can catch up, integrate, and prepare for the final weeks of the course.

Week 5
Ring Magic — Design & Work with a Jeweler to Craft your Dream Ring

Here we finally enter into the material realm of design, how to shop for a ring and collaborate with a jeweler, and other technical aspects of ring design. We rely on all the foundational work done in the previous modules and Heart Sessions to make this process full of ease and clarity. Each couple will have a chance to present their current inspiration to the group, and get jeweler feedback on how to implement.

Week 6
Dreaming the Dream — Setting Intentions for Vows, Ceremony & Celebration

Together, we will plan for placing the bookend at the end of the ring experience — the ceremony. Get a jumpstart on ideas for vow writing, explore weaving together traditional & alternative ceremony ideas, and envision the type of celebration you want to create to share your union with your community.

Sunday Live Workshop Call Dates

  • October 13th at 10am PST Welcome ceremony and Module One
  • October 27th at 10am PST Module Two and Three
  • November 17th at 10am PST Integrating module Four and Five, Closing ceremony

We're crafting more than a ring — we're crafting connection & meaning.

Highlights & bonuses

Our unique course is designed for couples to take together - the course includes access for 2 people:

  • 5 video modules & optional audio-only version
    $500 value

  • 6 audio meditations and Heart Session activities to build connection, trust, and romance
    $500 value

  • 3 Live Sunday Workshops with goldsmith, Kate Ellen, with recordings for those who cannot attend live
    $750 value

  • Holistic Ring Design Workbook - PDF to outline all the logistics of selecting or designing your dream ring
    $200 value

  • Journal prompts for reflection and integration
    $100 value

  • JEWELER REFERRAL GUIDE - our insider's guide to the top independent artists/showrooms in our trusted network of jewelry professionals cultivated over 15 years
    $300 value

Package value $2350

"Kate created moments of pause, which can get lost in the whirlwind of planning a wedding, and made space to reflect on the meaning of our wedding rituals, like exchanging rings. Kate asked thoughtful questions, shared anecdotes from her own life, and became part of our wedding journey. I felt deeply connected to her and the creative process, which made my rings that much more unique and special.

— Laura

Centering emotional connection

Many of the wedding traditions we have inherited are for a world that is rapidly changing - for many couples, the expense alone is so prohibitive that it is creating new avenues for creativity and expression.

Consider that most couples are spending an average of:

  • $5,500 on an engagement ring
  • another $1500-3000 on wedding bands.

By investing a little time and money up front to align your values in this course, you will dramatically increase your satisfaction and may even improve your overall spend by being informed and clear about your desires.

Likewise, laying the groundwork for a conscious wedding ceremony and celebration will make your money decisions much more clear. The projected 2024 average wedding cost in the US is $33,000 and for Bay Area folks, the average is nearing $51,000.

With financial stakes that high, it makes sense to root down and evaluate exactly the kind of emotional experience you are envisioning. This course will help you get that clarity so every dollar you spend is done with intention and joy.

Investment options for couples

  • Early bird-price thru September 22nd $640
  • Single Payment of $699
  • Split into 3 monthly payments of $250


  • Add 1:1 counsel session with Kate Ellen for $200 ($49 savings)
  • Though working directly with our studio is not the mission of this course, if you decide you would like to partner with us to craft your ring or ceremony, you will have a $200 credit toward wovekind purchase included

Goldsmith & counsel

Holistic Design with Kate Ellen

Wedding jewelry is often one of the largest and most meaningful purchases you will make in a lifetime, and getting it right can feel overwhelming when there are so many options at your fingertips.

Work with Kate to go on a journey of self-discovery and connection, ensuring that you are centered on your own core values and desires, not just autopiloting on traditions and outside expectations. She will help you envision your project, select the right jeweler for you, and create ceremony & celebration that reflects who you are as a couple.

Her warm approach opens up doors to your own inner-wisdom, allowing you to create, design, and make decisions with from your heart, honoring this moment as the important life transition it is.

Life is an adventure

Go on the trip.


All sessions are held on Zoom with a recording that will be sent afterwards for those who cannot attend live.

Dates for the Sunday Live Workshops are

  • October 13th at 10am PST Welcome ceremony and Module One
  • October 27th at 10am PST Module Two and Three
  • November 17th at 10am PST Integrating module Four and Five, Closing ceremony

No sweat, sweetheart! We are recording live all the sessions and will send them to you afterwards to watch / listen to at your convenience.

Couples should plan to invest 2-4 hours per week for 6 weeks:

  • Video modules are between 30-60 minutes each week
  • Heart Sessions with guided audio will take at least an hour, but will likely be the catalyst for conversations that naturally reemerge throughout
  • Our (3) live Sunday Workshops will be 60-90 minutes each

All live workshops will be recorded and sent as a resource afterwards, or for those who cannot make the live call time.

Life is busy, we get it. In a course of this length, it is almost a guarantee that you will fall behind in the course content, it's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. We understand you are doing your very best - and that's why we have built into our schedule a catch-up week, a chance to pause, integrate or do activities that you missed in the prior weeks.

You will also have a lifetime access to the course material, which means you can return to the Heart Sessions, audio meditations, and Video modules anytime. Some of the practices we will explore together get better and better over time, and that resource will be available to you during your whole marriage journey.

Only if your project aligns! Kate Ellen will guide you through the process and help you consider all the talented jewelers who might make your dream ring, each specializing in their own artistry - included in the course is her Jeweler's Referral Guide that lists over 93 independent artist / showrooms in Kate Ellen's personal network.

If you really want to work with Kate Ellen, that's awesome (but not required). She has her core collection of Ceremonial Jewelry and Heirloom Redesign for you to explore.

If you decide to partner with wovekind after taking the course, you will have a $200 credit toward your purchase.

Yes, we have multiple payment options - keep in mind this is to enroll 2 people!

Early bird-price thru September 22nd $640

Single Payment of $699

Split into 3 monthly payments of $250

Sessions are an intimate and confidential space to explore aspects of yourself and your relationship, however they are not couples therapy. You will be responsible for your own mental health and seeking support if needed.


All of the course content is designed to be inclusive of all sexualities and genders, and though we will discuss the heteronormative traditions, they are explored through a non-judgmental, feminist, and queer centered lens.

This means that if you want to do the most traditional engagement and wedding, you can be supported by this course. Or if you want to break every rule and create brand new magic, this course will also support you.

Not at all, or all the way woo - whatever is you. This course introduces many modalities and concepts for intimacy, connection, and communication but it does not prescribe a worldview. If you feel yourself a more traditional person but the wedding journey a bit daunting, this course will absolutely serve you. Or if you are on the other side of the spectrum and are non-conforming in every way imaginable, this course will also support you because it's all about locating your own core values as individuals and as a couple.

Oh heck yes! Welcome!

Good question! This course is not going to work for folks who are

  • Just looking for technical information on rings - while we do get into that, most of that info is easily accessible elsewhere on the internet. What we are offering is a unique transformational journey that is much broader than just design or technical info.
  • While ideologically we are totally behind poly relationships, we have not tested this material in poly relationships so we are unsure if it would serve you. But if you're poly, we aren't against you joining - we just cannot guarantee that the materials will speak specifically enough to the unique relational dynamics you are in.

Have another question?